Saturday, September 21, 2002

Wellington Cable Car

Today the sun finally started to shine and the wind dropped to a less fearsome level. Wellington actualy is very pretty in the sunshine. It is built on hills around a crescent shaped bay. The houses perch precariously on the mountain side and are surrounded by forest.

We took the cable car (really a funicular) up to the hilltops and explored the botanical gardens which are excellent, very maze like with interesting and unusual plants and some modern sculpture. It was easy to spend the whole afternoon there and it felt like we walked quite a few miles first down to the bottom of the hill and then back up to the top to catch the cable car down again (duh!). It was nice to feel the sun on our faces again and the fresh air gave us a great appetite so we headed back to the home brew pub for some excellent fish and chipsand a couple of beers. Wellington play in the rugby tonight so we are going to watch that in a local pub. Posted by Picasa

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