Monday, September 16, 2002

Auckland at Night

We stayed up until nightfall and watched the city lights appear and said our goodbyes to the city.

At first I found Auckland a bit too busy and housing is expensive so we thought about moving to Wellington or Christchurch where houses are half the price and the poulation is far smaller. However, now that we are leaving, Auckland has grown on me.

It is so exciting living here and there are so many cool places to visit within driving distance.

Well we shall have to see where we end up. That will probably depend on where we get work but the good thing is that we have both seen Christchurch and loved it. We have had a great time in Auckland and would love to live here if we can get good jobs. Wellington is the one city we haven't visited and if that is as good as the other two then we know that wherever we end up we should be very happy. Posted by Picasa

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