Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Mt Taranaki

What we really wanted to see was Mt Taranaki, which is a 2.5km high dormant volcano on the east coast. There are no mountains around it and it rises straight up from the sea all on its own and is very spectacular) good for skiing down Sis).

The route we took, went right around the coast circumnavigating the mountain but the New Zealand weather conspired against us and all we could see was the base, the summit was in cloud. After about an hour of driving the cloud thinned a bit so we decided to stop for a look. At first we couldn't see the top but that was only because we were looking in the wrong place. It is a very high mountain and we were looking too far down, it was way up above our heads. Needless to say it was very spectacular (note to self, must buy thesaurus).

We got in to Wellington after dark and it really lives up to its reputation as the car was getting blown all over the road on the final leg. We had a bite to eat and a drink and then bed, we had been on the road for ten hours. Posted by Picasa

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