Saturday, September 07, 2002

Hello from New Zealand

Well what a week we have had. We landed at Auckland on the morning of the 5th on a drizzly spring day, not what we had expected! We checked into the Heritage hotel which is very nice and just £50 a day (thanks for the recomendation Mark). On the saturday we hired a car, $39 a day fully inclusive for a four door, electric everything automatic! It was good to have the freedom to travel so we headed across the harbour bridge to devonport which is a small suburb across the water. It was very pretty, shingly beaches, tree lined promenade, wooden jettys etc. Most of the houses here are wooden and they are painted a variety of colours so the whole town is very colourful. Across the water was a great view of the Auckland skyline. It is a really pretty modern city, all skyscrapers of glass and steel, surrounded by green trees and the ocean. The harbour is very busy with cargo ships and loads of yachts, motorboats and jet skis. The Americas cup teams have been out a lot trialling there boats so that is fun to watch as well. Despite being such a big city it can be really relaxing and peaceful. The sun was shining and we have quite good tans now. Posted by Picasa

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