Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thar She Blows!

Today we visited the Wai-o-Tapu thermal region. This is a large park which has lots of thermal activity such as the Lady Knox Geyser. I have wanted to see a geyser ever since I saw Old Faithful on the telly as a small child and this did not disappoint. The water shoots up about 20 metres into the air and rains down on the audience when the wind blows in the right direction.

This geyser was discovered in 1901 by a gang of prisoners working in the bush. They discovered that by dropping a block of soap in the hole the geyser could be made to erupt on demand providing a natural shower. This trick is employed today to ensure that the geyser erupts once a day at 10:15 AM which makes it very tourist friendly.
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