Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Break

Firstly, sorry for the lack of posts recently. My old creaking computer has been playing up and I have also been very busy doing DIY.

We spent easter at Kaikoura with Tracy's folks. We walked along the peninsula in lovely autumn weather. The mountains were covered in cloud but the view out to sea was great. I carried James on my back again. He is a real live wire now. In the last couple of weeks he has started crawling and even stands up if he can pull himself up on something.

We get talking to lots of folks as we are hiking around. Japanese women in particular just love James, and often inisist on a cuddle and a photograph. However if I come across a young couple I get two very different reactions. The young woman goes all glassy eyed, smiling at the happy family scene. The young guy averts his gaze and all but crosses himself. Probably makes a mental note to buy some condoms.
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