Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here we go again

I never thought that we would have to go through this again in my lifetime but at 12:51PM another massive earthquake hit Christchurch. The magnitude, 6.3, was less than the september quake but the epicentre was much closer to the city and at a very shallow depth.

We are all fine. Staying at the in laws. Power has just been restored to our house. I popped back to pick up some supplies and am amazed to find computer still working and internet available. No water as yet. Central city is a mess. Will record my feelings here now before they fade:

As soon as the quake stopped I drove into the city to find Tracy and James. Aftershocks shaking the car. Moorhouse Ave like something from a disaster movie. Road all broken up and water flowing everywhere. Traffic jams but no horns, people still civil. Could not get Tracy on mobile, network busy. Had to abandon my car and make my way into the city on foot. Ran from cop who tried to stop me entering city. Buildings collapsing all around. People walking in stunned silence covered in blood and dust. No traffic noise, just alarms blaring. Saw a multi story car park where the overbridge had fallen into an adjacent building and crushed the top floor flat. Almost ran under it until I realised the danger. I hate to think about the people in there (update: the 'overbridge' I saw was actually three floors of the car park that had pancaked onto each other). Found Tracy and James at his school, never felt so relieved. Found an old radio and listened to news out of earshot of kids. Across the street the Catholic cathedral is in ruins. James's teachers were great. Waited for crowds to disperse and then took Tracy's car.  Got half way down Fitzgerald ave and had to abandon it. Road was just broken into chunks. Lots of smoke and dust. James quiet and subdued. Wants reassurance that we aren't headed towards the fire. Road covered in mud. Got back to Tracy's folks, tired and filthy. Will stay there at least until tomorrow. Used gas BBQ for dinner. No water no power. Did quick trip to our house to pick up clothes and Lala (James's cuddly lion). Ferried some people through the mud. At first glance house seems no worse than after the September quake but everything inside is smashed. This was a lot, lot worse than september 4th. All my mothers fine china and glassware is gone. It is sad but just things. My family is safe and we will stay so out in the suburbs. Just hope the poor buggers still in the centre are ok.

Take care,Si, Tracy and James.

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