Thursday, September 23, 2010

By Jove I can see Uranus

Not a great photo but not too bad for a snap from the back garden. I did not use a telescope, just my camera on maximum zoom (x12).

At the top is Jupiter with three of it's moons. Left to right they are Eurpoa, Io and Ganymede. At the bottom is Uranus which is 2.9 billion kilometres away (it takes light over 2 ½ hours to reach earth). I could see Jupiter clearly with the naked eye and the moons with binoculars but I needed the camera to see Uranus. I used a 3 second exposure.
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Jewel said...

I always though uranus was at the bottom

Jewel said...

I am quite surprised you needed the bin's though

Jewel said...

Sorry, could not resist, too tempting!!!