Friday, April 04, 2008

Howdy Pardner

Today we went for a horse ride. I am not a huge fan of these things. Normally they involve sitting on top of a very bored horse which plods along a pre-defined track at a snails pace, kind of like a slow fairground ride.

This was very different, firstly our guide was one of a kind, a crazy old hippy cowboy from America called 'Harmony Aquarian'. No kidding! We were a bit taken aback at first as he did not seem all there.

We should not have feared, he was brilliant. He told us, in no uncertain terms, that we would not even be allowed out of the paddock until we had convinced him we could ride.

I am a total novice but within 15 minutes I could make my horse walk forwards, stop, turn right and left on the spot and walk backwards. It was fantastic.

Oh, and I got to wear this very retro CHiPs hat.
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