Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthday Cake

James is really into Thunderbirds now so Tracy made him a really cool cake for his 4th birthday.Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 05, 2010

Early Evening Mist

Skiing is fun but the best part for me is spending a whole day on the mountain top. The views here are really special. You can see Lake Coleridge and Mt Cook.

As evening approached, a mist started to fill the valleys. I really did not want to leave. Posted by Picasa

Easy Way Down

Skiing along the ridge at the top was great. The slope is gentle so there was plenty of time to check out the views as I glided along. Posted by Picasa

Avoca Valley from Porter Heights

The weather was great and the view from the top was superb. I could see right down into the Avoca Valley which is one of my favourite places and somewhere we have had many great holidays. The hut we stay at is located at the bottom of the conical hill in the centre of the picture. Posted by Picasa

Work Trip

Today I went skiing at Porter Heights with some of my workmates from Tait Electronics. Posted by Picasa