Sunday, July 26, 2009

I've got a bike...

James got a bike for his birthday. It is a big change from the trike but he is starting to get the hang of it. You can see him looking down to concentrate on his pedals.
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fun in the Park

After the party we went outside to the botanic gardens and the kids had fun racing on the grass and climbing in the trees.
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Tracy's mum made this wonderful cake for James.
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Happy Birthday James

It was James 3rd birthday on tuesday and today he had an insect themed party at Canterbury museum with all his friends. They all had a great time and behaved really well.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is Fun!

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Driving Dad's Car

Out here we are well away from the safety nazis so I let James sit on my knee and hold the steering wheel while we did some off roading. You should have seen his grin.
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Dougal, Islay and Garry

After another suicide breakfast it was time to pack up and go. Oh well, back in February.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Birthday Boys.

James will be 3 on tuesday and it is Brian's birthday and mine on Friday so Joy made us all a cake.
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Near the top, we are now. Carefully you walk hm.

When James gets tired he likes a piggy back from Mum. As he clings on and barks orders they remind me of Yoda and Luke in the Empire Strikes Back.
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Frozen Lake

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Winter Wonderland

After lunch, some of us walked up to the lake. James did really well walking most of the way.
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Snowy Peaks 2

The Craigieburn range looked great covered in snow. This was taken from just outside the house.
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We dragged the table outside and had a barbie for breakfast.
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We woke to a lovely winter scene, crisp snow on the ground and a clear blue sky.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Snowy Peaks

This is the view from the front door of the 'Farmhouse' as the sun went down.
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James like tractors so I took this photo for him. We are back at the Avoca again. I hope we get lots of snow.
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Monday, July 06, 2009

New Doors

Done. Just need to paint the surround. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Routing the Rebate

Hanging the new doors was a big job, it took the whole day. Thankfully Tracy's dad helped out.
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Close Up

As you can see, they are in quite a bad state.
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Old Doors

These are the old rotten doors that I am replacing.
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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Ready to Hang

The new doors are assembled and the glass is fitted. They just need a few coats of varnish and I can hang them.
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