Sunday, November 30, 2008

...and New Floor Goes Down

I bought some second hand floor boards from Musgroves reclamation yards. They are made from rimu like the rest of our house and so they should fit in well.

Tracy's dad helped me lay this floor which only took a morning. Once it is sanded and varnished it should look great.
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Friday, November 28, 2008

Old Floor Comes Up...

I had hoped to save the old floor but it was rotten in many places so up it comes. At least it makes it easier to route the plumbing.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Ceiling

The new ceiling is up and the heat/extractor fan unit installed.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Riddance

This is our old bath. It is actually a shub (short for shower-tub). I really hate it and can't wait to rip it out. Unfortunately it was quite difficult. In the end I had to use a circular saw to chop around the plug hole.

Sink Gone

Everything must go. Not just the sink, toilet and bath. We are replacing the walls, floor and ceiling as well. This is a messy job but fun. I used a crowbar and claw hammer to remove the walls and ceiling.
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World's Ugliest Bathroom

When the electric shower died, it spurred us on to do something we should have done a long time ago: replace the bathroom. This is the existing one. It is cold, damp, mouldy and the colour scheme is hideous.
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Little Gardener

The new veggie patch is a hit with James. He likes to help Mummy water the tomatos and potatoes.
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