Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Take the Blue Pill!

Yes you guessed, it was just a simulator, but what an experience. This all took place at Pacific Simulators, a Christchurch based company that builds flight simulators.

This was all thanks to Stuart, a colleague at Tait. He was one of the founders of this company. Basically a bunch of Microsoft Flight Simulator fanboys got together and tried to build an airplane cockpit in a garage. Their hobby grew and now they export 737 simulators all over the world.

If I win lotto this weekend I will be buying one of these.
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This is Your Captain Speaking... Don't Panic!

Buzzing the Waimak sure gave the passengers a scare.
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Runway in Sight

After taking off from Christchurch International I took the old bird for a short spin over North Canterbury. Fuel is expensive now so after 10 minutes it was time to head for home. the two red dots in the distance are the end of the runway.
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Boys Toys

Today was a red letter day. I got to take control of a Boeing 737.
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