Wednesday, August 23, 2006

In the Pub Again

A pie and a pint at the Hororata Inn. A famous kiwi pub. Posted by Picasa

A Drive in the Country

It was a beautifull winters day, so we took the little guy for a drive to Hororata. The mountains looked great in their winter coat. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006

First Trip to the Pub

Took the wee fella for a trip to the Brewers Arms. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Weigh in

This is Liz, Tracy's wonderful mid-wife. She came round to give the wee man a WOF and weigh him. He looked so cute wrapped up in a towel with his feet dangling out as if a stork had just delivered him. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bath Time Again

Bathtime is lots of fun so everone wants to muscle in. This was Garandma K's turn but mum and dad couldn't resist helping. Posted by Picasa

Lack of Sleep

Wee James is keeping Mum and Dad awake till the early hours with his amazing ability to fight off sleep. So I have had plenty of time to flesh out this blog. I have added lots of pictures to January 2005 which features the Milford Track, known as the 'Best Walk in the World'.

I also posted pictures from August 2005 when my sister Sarah came to visit. There are also lots more photos from September 2005 when we bought a 4WD and took it on a tour of the South Island. We climbed on the Franz Josef glacier and drove the rather scary road through Skippers canyon.

See the archives (on the right) for links to the appropriate dates.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sandra and James

Taken at Richard and Sian's wedding. Posted by Picasa

Grandma and Grandson

 Posted by Picasa
Clockwise: Dot, Dan, Islay, Baby James, Erin, Tracy, James and Sandra. Posted by Picasa