Saturday, February 18, 2006

Seagulls, Akaroa Harbour

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Serap Cooling Off

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Picnic at Flea Bay

In the afternoon we had a very nice picnic at Flea Bay. The drive was even scarier than the one to the old lighthouse but the beach is beautiful. Access is by 4WD only and it is so remote that you can be sure of peace and quiet. The cheese and wine came from the very fine cheese factory at Barry's Bay. Posted by Picasa

Serap, Mum and Tracy, Akaroa

We had a visit from Serap Tilav, an old friend from my time in Antarctica. We took her and my Mum out to Akaroa. Then we drove up to the location of the old light house, high above the sea at the entrance to the harbour. The road is steep and my Mum found it quite scary. I think the view across the Tasman sea was worth it though. Posted by Picasa

Entrance to Akaroa Harbour

Taken from the cliff top location of the old lighthouse. Posted by Picasa