Sunday, July 10, 2005


I was working in the second of the two brown skyscrapers on the right. Posted by Picasa

Yarra River, Melbourne

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Melbourne from the Botanic Gardens

The gardens at Melbourne are some of the best I have seen. Its great to lie on the grass and enjoy the peace and quiet, while the glass skyscrapers tower on the horizon. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sunset on the Perfect Day

Wild cockatoos, kangaroos, whales, spectacular coastal scenery and a sunset over a beautiful beach to top it off. This was one of the greatest days of my life.

We eventually got back to Melbourne in the dark and in heavy rain. Never mind, we had a good final italian meal on Lygon Street and flew back to Christchurch the next day. Posted by Picasa

'12' Apostles

These stacks are known as the 12 apostles, although there are only 8 now standing. Just a week before we arrived the ninth apostle collapsed. The pile of rubble at the bottom of the picture is all that remains. Posted by Picasa

Southern Coastline

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The Great Ocean Road

The south-west coast of victoria is a spectacular drive, known as the Great Ocean Road. Posted by Picasa

There She Blows!

It was a cold winters day but the beach was beautiful and the sea air was invigorating. We could have watched the whales all day. I could not believe it. Woken by Cockatoos in the trees, wild kangaroos at the side of the road and now surfing whales on the beach. This whole country is like a giant zoo! Posted by Picasa

Southern Right Whale

I was a bit sceptical but we parked the car and walked 50 yards to the lookout spot. Straight away we saw a male and female whale and their young pup playing in the surf just a few yards away from us.

They were difficult to photograph but take my word for it. The black line is a whales nose poking out of the sea. Posted by Picasa

Whale Watching at Logans Beach, Warnambool

Our plan was to drive back from the Grampians by heading south till we reached the coast and then drive along east to Melbourne.

When we reached the town of Warnambool Tracy told me that the Lonely Planet guide book said that it was possible to see southern right whales from the beach at this time of year. Posted by Picasa


The drive south was very scenic. Posted by Picasa

I Think we're Being Watched

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Skippy and Friends

We were driving back to Melbourne when Tracy cried out "STOP!". We parked the car and walked over to these wild kangaroos. They seemed nervous at first but soon went back to whatever it is kangaroos do. Posted by Picasa

Dawn Chorus

We spent the night in the quiet village of Halls Gap. The next morning we were woken by the sound of 1000's (literally) of cockatoos squawking in the trees outside our motel. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

Mackenzie Falls

At the bottom of a steep climb are these spectacular waterfalls. Posted by Picasa

The Pinnacle

We did a short bush walk to this lookout point. A whole hour in the bush without being bitten by a funnel web or a snake! Posted by Picasa

Cheeky Chappie

Parrots are everywhere in Australia, you can even see flocks of them in the city parks. We saw this cute fella eating nuts while bush walking in the Grampian mountains. Posted by Picasa

Grampian Mountains

We spent the weekend in the Grampian mountains, a few hundred k's north-west of Melbourne. They aren't snow capped and sheer like the New Zealand alps but they are a beautiful red colour, surrounded by gum trees and are spectacular in a very Australian way. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Not a great picture but this was the view from our hotel room. The place was OK but best of all it was around the corner from Lygon St which is the Italian quater. I love italian food, but I had better italian food on Lygon St than I ever had in three trips to Italy. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 04, 2005

Melbourne Library

A grand old building that has just been refurbished. Posted by Picasa

Ned Kelly's Dead Head

Quite spooky, this was cast just after Ned was hung at Melbourne Jail. I think he looks surprisingly at peace with the world. His final words were "such is life". Posted by Picasa

Ned Kelleys Armour

This is on display in the city library. It was smaller than I imagined, he must have been a little guy. You can see the dents from the bullets he took at his last stand. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Platform 9 & 3/4

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Laughing Kookaburra

Like a large kingfisher, these birds really do laugh. If you see a group of them, sat together on a branch, they can be hilarious. Posted by Picasa


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